“Have you heard of this new tool called Realtime Board?”

A simple question that would change the trajectory of my career. Back in 2016 when I was working as an in-house product designer, my UX Director at the time introduced me to a tool named “Realtime Board”, marking the beginning of a journey that would redefine our approach to collaboration and user research.

The potential was more than just a new place to take notes or draw journey maps. It was the beginning of a new era in real-time collaboration, where ideas could be shared and iterated on instantly with teammates, all inside of the browser.

Qualitative data synthesis at the time was still a manual and time-consuming process, involving physical sticky notes, whiteboards, or paper-based methods. This was not only labor-intensive but also limited in terms of accessibility and flexibility.

I had gotten so used to working in isolation and delayed feedback on synthesized data that I didn’t realize how much it was slowing down the research process. Suddenly with this new tool  we had real-time, immediate feedback and iterative analysis.

A more agile and responsive approach to qualitative data synthesis was here.

How whiteboarding tools redefined the status quo for synthesis

Initially, Realtime Board launched to market as a basic whiteboarding solution. However, it quickly became a staple in the user research toolkit with its ability to recreate the interactive process of arranging sticky notes in synthesis sessions.

This new way of real-time collaboration for research synthesis set a standard that would soon become the status quo. Realtime Board rebranded to Miro, and then led the charge in redefining the tools used for modern user research, particularly in remote team settings.

My personal experience with using Miro and hacking other visual design tools that allowed for spatial and creative work, ultimately inspired what would later become Notably. So it’s a proud milestone to unveil this new integration.

Notably 🤝 Miro: The only tools you need for your UX research toolkit

Many of our customers today depend on Miro for its unmatched real-time collaboration capabilities regardless of industry. Whether they are design teams brainstorming solutions, agencies engaging in client workshops, or research students coming up with new ideas.

Traditional methods of synthesis were often static; once data was arranged, reorganizing it for different perspectives or themes was cumbersome.

Miro and Notably, however, allows for fluid manipulation of data. Users can quickly group, regroup, and visually connect pieces of information. This flexibility is crucial when dealing with complex qualitative data, as it allows researchers to explore various thematic connections and patterns that might not be immediately apparent.

But while Miro offers an incredible workspace for collaboration, it presents certain limitations. Stepping back to identify trends can be challenging, and it isn’t designed as a long-term repository for research data and insights.

This is where Notably comes into play, complementing Miro to create a seamless experience.

Create your own AI-powered templates for better, faster research synthesis. Discover new customer insights from data instantly.

Import Miro Boards to Notably with One Click

3 Tips for getting the most out of Notably + Miro

1. Transform Miro Frames into Themes in Notably for Analysis with AI

Affinity Mapping is a method widely used in qualitative research to organize data into groups or themes based on their relationships. According to the Nielsen Norman Group, this method is particularly effective in UX research for grouping users' ideas, pain points, and feelings.

Frames from Miro are imported as Themes in Notably. This instantly allows researchers to visualize qualitative data in charts, making it easier to draw conclusions and generate AI-powered insights. It essentially automates and streamlines the process of identifying patterns and relationships within the data.

If you've created clusters using Frames in Miro, they will be respected as Themes in Notably, instantly organizing your Analysis board.

2. Import Tags from Miro to Notably for Enhanced Data Organization

Tagging plays a crucial role in qualitative data analysis. It’s a process of labeling data to identify key themes, patterns, and categories. The American Psychological Association highlights the importance of tagging for organizing data and facilitating the retrieval of relevant information.

Tags from Miro are imported as project tags in Notably. This feature enhances the ability to search, segment, and analyze data, providing a structured way to dive into the nuances of qualitative research.

If you tag your data in Miro, you don't need to worry about duplicating work in Notably. It will inherit any tags you applied and serve as a jumping off point for instantly generating AI Insights.

3. Utilize Miro's Color Coding in Notably for Deeper Data Interpretation

The use of color in data analysis is not just about aesthetics; it’s a powerful tool to convey additional layers of meaning. According to a study published in the Journal of Statistical Software, color coding helps in the quick identification of patterns and trends in data visualization. With the ‘Recolor’ feature in Notably, the sticky colors imported from Miro can be used to add depth and clarity to data analysis. This feature is particularly useful in making complex data sets comprehensible and engaging.

The Future of User Research: Embracing the Miro and Notably Integration

The evolution from manual, time-consuming processes to dynamic, real-time collaboration with tools like Miro and Notably has not only streamlined research but also enriched the depth of insights we can glean. They empower us to visualize, analyze, and iterate on qualitative data with unprecedented speed and efficiency.

By combining Miro's real-time canvas and Notably's AI-powered analysis features and repository capabilities marks a significant milestone in our journey towards more agile, responsive, and comprehensive research methodologies.

We’re excited to continue to build on this integration and deepen the experience of working with Miro and Notably.

Sign up for free to try the Miro Integration

You can try the Notably + Miro integration free for 7-days. Here's how it works:

  1. Use Miro for notes, workshops, or brainstorming sessions.
  2. In Notably, under ‘Analysis,’ select ‘Import Miro Board’ in a new or existing project.
  3. Choose a Miro board to import into Notably.
  4. Now your Miro data is themed, tagged, searchable & can be analyzed with Notably's AI features.

Together, Notably and Miro can become a powerful and vital pairing of tools for your organization's research needs. Schedule a demo with our team to get a walkthrough of the Miro Integration and to learn more about becoming a customer.

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